Webinar de Temas de Arboricultura Virtual en Zoom
Tenemos una nueva oportunidad educativa disponible para trabajdores de arbol hispanohablantes. La serie Raising Trees o Creciendo Arboles tendrá un webinar en Español cada mes empesando en 09 de octubre. En cada webinar puedes aprender sobre temas de arboricultura que te ayudaran en tu trabajo y para estudiar para el Examin de Arbolista certificiado por la ISA.
ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Virtual Review Course
Over seven sessions, experienced instructors and certified arborists Rob Swanson and Kay Evanovich will help attendees prepare for the exam with talks covering Tree Biology, Tree Identification, Soil Science, Water Management, Tree Nutrition and Fertilization, Tree Selection, Installation and Establishment, Pruning, Tree Support and Lightning Protection, Diagnosis and Plant Disorders, Plant Health Care, Tree Assessment and Risk Management, Trees and Construction, Urban Forestry, Tree Worker Safety, and Climbing & Working in Trees. Attendees will also learn about eligibility for the exam and taking the exam.

seminarios web en español con Texas ISA
Únase a nosotros para una colección de seminarios web este año de expertos en contenido de habla hispana en una variedad de temas actuales. Todos los seminarios web serán el tercer miércoles de cada mes a las 6:30 a.m. CT / 7:30 a.m. EST y durarán aproximadamente una hora. Todos los seminarios web son gratuitos y ofrecen 1 ISA CEU a los titulares de credenciales actuales.
Join us for a collection of webinars this year from Spanish-speaking content experts in a variety of current topics. All webinars will be the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30am CT / 7:30am EST and last approximately one hour. All webinars are free and offer 1 ISA CEU to current credential holders.
Barrenadora esmeralda del fresno / Emerald Ash Borer Update
19 Marzo / March 19, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: Hector Marines-Chio, Texas A&M Forest Service
Crepe Myrtles / Crape Myrtles
16 Abril / April 16, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: Francisco Sicilia, Rainbow Ecoscience
Cómo hacer el corte de poda perfecto / How to make the perfect pruning cut
21 Mayo / May 21, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: Ariel Splenser, Consultant
Instrucciones de trabajo y la importancia de la mitigación de riesgos / Job briefing and the importance of hazard mitigation
18 Junio / June 18, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: Ranferi Lopez-Garcia, Pannell Co.
Escalada de árboles / Tree Climbing
16 Julio / July 16, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: Eduardo Gorostieta-Maldonado, They Might Be Monkeys
Descomposición en los suelos / Decay in Soils
20 Augusto / August 21, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: Dr. Demian Gomez, Texas A&M Forest Service
Ergonomía / Ergonomics
15 Octobre / October 15, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: Ranferi Lopez-Garcia, Pannell Co
Topic TBD
19 Noviembre / November 19, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: TBD
Topic TBD
17 Diciembre / December 17, 2025
6:30am to 7:30am CST
7:30am to 8:30am EST
Presented by: TBD

Tree Climber Academy; Academia de trepadores de árboles
Academia de Trepadores
4 cursos de dia completo
marzo-junio 2025
miembros de GAA: $75 por curso/$250 academia completa
miembros del publico $100 por curso/$350 academia completa
evento en español
curso 1: Rescate Aereo , 29 de marzo @ Boutte Trees, 2158 Bolton Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
curso 2: RCP y Primeros Auxilios para arboristas, 25 de abril @ DeKalb County Government Service Center 178 Sams Street Decatur, Ga 30030
curso 3: nudos, cuerdas, rigging, y seguridad, 02 de mayo @ Vermeer SE, 1320 Gresham Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30062
curso 4: dia de examen, 27 de junio @ Legacy Park Decatur, 500 S Columbia Dr, Decatur, GA 30030
El programa ISA Certified Tree Climber (Trepador Certificado por la ISA) está diseñado para quienes trepan a los árboles con frecuencia como parte de su trabajo en la industria del cuidado de árboles.
Esta academia está diseñada para ayudar a los escaladores de árboles a cumplir con los requisitos y obtener un mayor entendimiento sobre la escalada técnica de árboles con el fin de tomar el examen de Especialista Certificado en Escalada de Árboles de la ISA. Cada curso está diseñado para cumplir con una de las necesidades de calificación. El último curso de la academia es un día de examen en el cual los evaluadores actuales de la ISA para escaladores de árboles evaluarán a los postulantes siguiendo el formulario de evaluación de la ISA.
El programa ISA Certified Tree Climber es la única certificación global de trepadores en toda la industria que evalúa conocimientos y habilidades frente a estándares aceptados internacionalmente relacionados con habilidades y prácticas laborales seguras. Como parte integral de su trayectoria profesional, ser un profesional en trepa de árboles certificado por la ISA le permite demostrar sus competencias como trepador y demonstrar su pasión continua por el aprendizaje y el desarrollo en esta industria.
Para ser elegible para el examen, debe tener lo siguiente:
1.) Dieciocho meses de experiencia en escalada en arboricultura
2.) Capacitación actual en rescate aéreo físico (práctica), RCP y primeros auxilios
En esta guía del programa se encuentra disponible toda la información para solicitantes, candidatos y titulares de credenciales.
Las partes interesadas deben solicitar y aplicar para presentar el examen de Escalador Certificado de Árboles de la ISA a través de https://www.isa-arbor.com/
Convertirse en candidato para una certificación de la ISA es un proceso de dos pasos a través de tu cuenta en línea MyISA.
Primero, aplica en línea o envía una solicitud completada.
Cuando recibas la notificación de que tu solicitud ha sido aprobada, podrás inscribirte a través de tu cuenta en el sitio web para presentar el examen.
Tree Climber's Academy
4 full-day courses
March-June 2025
GAA members: $75 per course/$250 full academy
Members of the public: $100 per course/$350 full academy
this is Spanish language event
Course 1: Aerial Rescue, March 29 @ Boutte Trees, 2158 Bolton Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
Course 2: CPR and First Aid for Arborists, April 25 @ DeKalb County Government Service Center 178 Sams Street Decatur, Ga 30030
Course 3: Knots, Ropes, Rigging, and Safety, May 02 @ Vermeer SE, 1320 Gresham Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30062
Course 4: Test Day, June 27 @ Legacy Park Decatur, 500 S Columbia Dr, Decatur, GA 30030
This Spanish language academy is designed to help current tree climbers meet the qualifications and gain further understanding about technical tree climbing in order to take and pass the ISA Certified Tree Climber Specialist exam. Each course is designed to meet one of the qualification needs. The last course of the academy is an exam day where current ISA tree climber examiners will asses testers following the ISA practicum guidelines.
The ISA Certified Tree Climber program is the only global, industry-wide climber certification to test knowledge and skills against internationally accepted standards related to skill and safe work practices. As an integral part of a career journey, being an ISA Certified Tree Climber allows you to show your competencies as a professional climber and ignites a continued passion for learning and development in this industry. To be eligible for the exam, you must have the following:
Eighteen months of climbing experience in arboriculture
Current training in a physical (practice) aerial rescue, CPR, and First Aid
Important applicant, candidate and credential holder information is available on this program guide.
Interested parties must still request and apply to take the ISA certified Tree Climber exam via https://wwv.isa-arbor.com/
Becoming a candidate for an ISA certification is a two-step process through your online MyISA Dashboard.
1. First, apply online or submit a completed application.
2. When you receive notice that your application is approved, you may then enroll through your website account to take an exam.
April Lunch and Learn: Arborists, Arboriculture, and Benefits of Landscape Architect and Arborist Collaboration
Overall, the partnership between a landscape architect and a consulting arborist enhances the integration of trees within the commercial development, promotes sustainable practices, and ensures the long-term health and beauty of the landscape
ISA TRAQ Full Course (Sandy Springs)
This course is now full. Please sign up for the waiting list if you are interested in attending. We do occasionally have cancellations.
April 22nd - 24th
1 Galambos Way
Sandy Springs GA, 30328
Jimmy Walters
14.5 CEUs Available
Registration Deadline:
March 25th, 2025
(Slots fill up fast! Register now!)
Registration Cost:
$625 - Georgia Arborist Association & ISA Member Rate
$625 - Georgia Arborist Association Member Only Rate (not a member of the ISA)
$700 - ISA Member Only Rate (not a member of the GAA)
$795 - Non-Member Rate (not a member of ISA or GAA)
If you are interested in becoming TRAQ qualified, please take some time to read the “ISA TRAQ Application Guide” available here - TRAQ-App-Guide.pdf . The guide will provide details about the application process and let you know what pre-requisites are required to apply for the credential.
The TRAQ course and credential provide an opportunity for professionals in the arboriculture industry to expand their knowledge through education and training in the fundamentals of tree risk assessment. This qualification promotes the safety of people and property by providing a standardized and systematic process for assessing tree risk. The results of a tree risk assessment can provide tree owners and risk managers with the information to make informed decisions to enhance tree benefits, health, and longevity.
Earning the qualification requires attendance at a 2-day educational course followed by a ½-day assessment that includes both a written and field exams. The first two days are typically 8am-5pm and the third day (exam day) is 8am-noon. It is required that you attend the entire course and successfully complete the assessment in order to receive this qualification. Coffee and a light breakfast are typically included each day along with lunch the first two days. If overnight travel is needed you will need to make hotel reservations on your own.
At the bottom of this email you will find recommended accommodations as well as more information about the location
The course includes Tree Biology and Mechanics, Tree Inspection and Assessment, Data Analysis and Risk Categorization, and Risk Reporting. The Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) Course prepares the participant to take the TRAQ assessment to become ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. Once registered, you will receive a course Manual and a Course Workbook that you can read and study to prepare for the course. It is strongly suggested that you read the materials prior to the course. Not all of the materials on the exams will be covered in detail in the classroom. The Manual and Workbook are essential parts of the learning process for this course.
Meet the Instructors:
Jimmy Walters: Certified Arborist since 1996. SC Registered Forester. 1971 graduate of Clemson University, BS Forestry. Retired with over 40 years service with SC Forestry Commission. Retired as Program Coordinator for Urban and Community Forestry in SC. Charter member of SC Urban and Community Forestry Council (now Trees SC). Board of Directors, SC Vegetation Management Association, active in the SC Green Industry Association. Past President, Southern Chapter ISA and member of Florida Chapter as well. Now operating an arboricultural consulting firm, Urban Forest Advisors, LLC. Skilled teacher and public speaker. Many classes and lectures on Hazard Tree Management (old terminology) and Tree Risk Assessment prior to TRAQ.
Coming soon!
Disclaimers, Important Information, & Refund Policy:
Applicants for TRAQ courses must register 30 days prior to the session they plan to attend. These classes often fill up quickly since class size is limited. Register as early as possible to avoid missing the location you want!
The FULL course is required for those qualified applicants that wish to earn the TRAQ credential.
This class provides the needed exams that must be passed to earn the TRAQ credential.
Please bring your own hard hat and vest to the event.
Please bring your government ID.
Be sure to bring your course materials. (This will be mailed to you by the ISA in advance.)
***Cancellation & Refund Policy -All cancellations made after the registration deadline of the event, no-shows, or those found to not have the required pre-requisites will not be eligible for refund. Cancellations made prior to the registration deadline/shipment of course materials are eligible for full refund. Cancellations made within 1 week of the registration deadline will be eligible for full or partial refund if GAA is able to fill their spot with a waitlisted registrant. All refunds are subject to a 3.5% credit card processing fee.
ASTI Aerial Rescue Training
Aerial Rescue Training
May 15th, 2025
EMBARC Youth Farm 1185 Rock Chapel Rd, Lithonia, GA 30058
8:00 a.m. until 5 p.m.
8 ISA + CTSP CEUs for in person and 2 additional CEU opportunities for online course.
Prepare for your Certified Tree Worker Exam with Aerial Rescue Training. Provided at a discounted rate in partnership with the TCIA's Arborist Safety Training Institute (ASTI).
This course includes a full-day, in person training with a qualified instructor AND a virtual self-paced instruction. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
Climbers must bring own gear, wear all necessary PPE and be able to access the tree and ascend/descend without assistance.
About the instructor: Mandi Wilson, CTSP
I’m based in Colorado and love to travel for training opportunities. My background as an Army Evacuation Medic fuels my passion for safety and training.
With a decade of experience in the tree care industry, I specialize in providing creative
safety and skills training solutions in engaging environments. Whether it’s tree care or trauma response, I can deliver effective training.
My credentials include ISA Certified Arborist (CA), Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ), TCIA Certified Tree Care Safety Professional (CTSP), Qualified Trainer (QT), and I’m also a licensed First Aid, CPR, and AED instructor through the American Red Cross.

Curso de preparacion para el examen de arborista certificado por la ISA® ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Review Course in SPANISH
1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs GA 30328
19, 20, 21 de mayo, 2025
$100 - Miembros de la GAA
$175 - No miembros (incluye 1 año de membresía a GAA)
Presentado por:
Miguel Sarabia, CA
Durante dos sesiones de día completo, el instructor y arborista certificado Miguel Sarabia ayudará a los asistentes a prepararse para el examen con charlas que cubrirán la biología de los árboles, la identificación de los árboles, la ciencia del suelo, el manejo del agua, la nutrición y fertilización de los árboles, la selección, instalación y establecimiento de árboles, la poda, el soporte de los árboles y la protección contra rayos, el diagnóstico y los trastornos de las plantas, el cuidado de la salud de las plantas, la evaluación de los árboles y la gestión de riesgos, los árboles y la construcción, la silvicultura urbana, la seguridad de los trabajadores de los árboles y la escalada y el trabajo en los árboles. Los asistentes también aprenderán sobre la elegibilidad para el examen y sobre cómo rendirlo.
ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Prep Course (AUGUSTA, GA)
Over two full day sessions, experienced instructors and certified arborists Rob Swanson and Kay Evanovich will help attendees prepare for the exam with talks covering Tree Biology, Tree Identification, Soil Science, Water Management, Tree Nutrition and Fertilization, Tree Selection, Installation and Establishment, Pruning, Tree Support and Lightning Protection, Diagnosis and Plant Disorders, Plant Health Care, Tree Assessment and Risk Management, Trees and Construction, Urban Forestry, Tree Worker Safety, and Climbing & Working in Trees. Attendees will also learn about eligibility for the exam and taking the exam.
Tree and Plant Appraisal Qualification (TPAQ)
This event will utilize both instructor-led discussions and case scenarios to illustrate concepts allowing participants to become familiar with the relevant methods and techniques used to approach plant appraisals and the ability to make reasoned judgement about the value of trees and landscape plants.
Business of Arboriculture Webinar: Taxes and Business Set Up
This webinar is part of the webinar series called the Business of Arboriculture presented by the Georgia Arborist Association, the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, and Auburn University with generous support from the United States Forest Service. The series will be presented between October 2024 and June 2025.

Webinar: Herbicide injury in trees: What It Looks Like, Reasons it Happens, Can Trees Recover
How much do you know about herbicides, and the damage they can cause in trees? Unfortunately, many arborist are unaware of the potential damage herbicides like glyphosate, imazapyr, 2,4-D, dicamba, and triclopyr can cause on trees.

Introduccion a prescripcion de poda de arboles; Introduction to prescription tree pruning
Introduccion a prescripcion de poda de arboles
viernes 28 de febrero, 2025
Hyde Farm Park 721 Hyde Rd, Marietta, GA 30068
$10 para miembros del GAA
$25 para profesionales del cuidado de arbol
espacio limitado
En este taller aprenderas a entender las necesidades de poda de los árboles maduros y las técnicas correctas de poda para su cuidado. El taller está diseñado para arboristas y paisajistas para mejorar sus conocimientos sobre el cuidado adecuado de los árboles en el sector público y privado.
La poda es el procedimiento más habitual en el mantenimiento de los árboles. Si bien los árboles del bosque crecen de forma correcta únicamente con la poda natural, los árboles ornamentales requieren un mayor nivel de cuidado para mantener su integridad estructural y su estética. La poda debe realizarse teniendo en cuenta la biología del árbol. Una poda incorrecta puede provocar un daño permanente o, incluso, acortar la vida del árbol.
Una parte de este curso se llevará a cabo en el campo, por lo que se recomienda vestirse apropiadamente según el clima.
Acerca del instructor: Juan C. Carrasco es el Director de Cuidado de la Salud de las Plantas en Atlanta Arbor y un Maestro Arborista Certificado por la Junta con más de 30 años de experiencia dedicada a la industria verde.
Introduction to Prescription Tree Pruning
Friday, February 28, 2025
Hyde Farm Park 721 Hyde Rd, Marietta, GA 30068
$10 for GAA members
$25 for tree care professionals
limited space
In this workshop you will learn to understand the pruning needs of mature trees and the correct pruning techniques for their care.
Pruning is the most common procedure in tree maintenance. While forest trees grow well with natural pruning alone, ornamental trees require a higher level of care to maintain their structural integrity and aesthetics. Pruning must be done with the biology of the tree in mind. Improper pruning can cause permanent damage or even shorten the life of the tree. This course is designed for arborists and landscapers to improve their knowledge of tree care in the public and private sector. This course is designed for arborists and landscapers to improve their knowledge of proper tree care in the public and private sector.
About the Instructor: Juan C. Carrasco is the Director of Plant Health Care at Atlanta Arbor and a Board Certified Master Arborist with over 30 years of dedicated experience in the green industry.
Business of Arboriculture Webinar: Building Your Company Brand and Sales Etiquette
This webinar is part of the webinar series called the Business of Arboriculture presented by the Georgia Arborist Association, the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, and Auburn University with generous support from the United States Forest Service. The series will be presented between October 2024 and June 2025.

Basic Chainsaw Use: BC-1
The goal of this course is to properly educate students on chainsaws and their use in the field. By the end of the course, students should be able to perform basic chainsaw operations (bucking, limbing, basic felling), troubleshoot basic mechanical chainsaw issues, and provide proper care and upkeep for equipment. We will cover general chainsaw operation hazards and procedures, as well as those that are specific to the work performed by students in the field (storm work, hazard trees, etc.)

Back to Our Roots: Winter Workshop and Awards Banquet
POSTPONED: New date is February 22nd.
Arbor Day Seedling Giveaway; Sorteo de árboles en el Día del Árbol
Arbor Day Seedling Giveaway at Plazas las Americas.

Developing the Next Tool in Your PHC Toolbox
Hosted by Women Arborists of the Southeast
Join us for lunch as Blake walks us down the path of the chemical trial and development of a new promising fungicide for our PHC toolbox.
PHC Day: Full day plant and soil care workshop
A full day of plant and soil care topics like Soil Care Methods for PHC, Insects in landscape trees, PGRs, Diagnostics and Speaking to clients about PHC.

February Lunch and Learn: Tree Inventories for Arborists: Tools, Safety, and Reporting Made Simple
Tree inventories are a cornerstone of effective arboriculture and urban forestry management. This webinar is designed to guide arborists through the entire process, from understanding the importance of inventories to creating actionable reports.
TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
February 5, 2025
TRAQ Renewal VIRTUAL Course
9:00am - 4:00pm Eastern
Registration Closes:
January 4, 2025
Co-hosted event with ISA Southern Chapter, ISA Texas Chapter, & MW-ISA Chapter
$280 - ISA Member AND a member of cooperating Chapter (Southern, TX, MW, GAA)
$330 - ISA Member ONLY
$340 - NON - ISA Member, BUT a member of a cooperating Chapter (Southern, TX, MW, GAA)
This is a virtual renewal option and is only available for those that already have the TRAQ credential. Please read the “ISA TRAQ Application Guide” to be very clear about the course prerequisites and renewal requirements and details about the credential and the courses. Applicants for the course must register 30 days prior to the session they plan to attend. Additional information about deadlines/refunds/cancellations can be found on the ISA Southern Chapter website at https://www.isasouthern.org/traq-events

Spanish Chipper Specialist & Chainsaw Specialist Training; Capacitacion para especialistas en astilladoras y motosierras en español
El viernes 31 de enero se llevará a cabo un taller de capacitación en seguridad de la TCIA sobre trituradoras (astilladora) de madera y motosierras de un día completo en Atlanta Forest Products, 1080 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy NW.
Webinar: Protect Your Business - Risk Management & Insurance for the Tree Care Industry
This webinar is part of the webinar series called the Business of Arboriculture presented by the Georgia Arborist Association, the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, and Auburn University with generous support from the United States Forest Service. The series will be presented between October 2024 and June 2025.
Webinar: Introduction to Tree Risk Assessments (TRAQ)
Monthly Virtual Training:
Introduction to the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ)
January 14th 6:15-7:30 pm. with Dave Long, GFC
Is my tree safe? Sometime trees, like most living beings, can look outwardly healthy while containing a host of defects. Other times they may look like they're in bad shape but continue to thrive for decades. Unlike other living beings, dying or unhealthy trees can put people and property at great risk. Join Dave Long, arborist and urban forester for the Georgia Forestry Commission, and learn how to identify the basic signs of tree risk on your property, jobsite, or in your community. Note, this webinar does not qualify one to perform TRAQ assessments professionally but is an intro to the field of tree risk assessments.
Who should attend this webinar?
individuals looking to advance their arborist career
individuals interested in taking the TRAQ course, but not sure if it is right for them
anyone who is not familiar with Risk Assessments or what the ISA TRAQ Course entails.
About Dave Long -
An Atlanta native, Dave first began his career as a laborer in the private landscaping industry before deciding to specialize in arboriculture and natural resource management in urban areas. He currently holds ISA and TRAQ certifications, a bachelors in environmental sciences, and has been in the urban forestry field for five years. Dave currently serves as a community forestry specialist for the Georgia Forestry Commission and as the Vice President of the Georgia Arborist Association.
Time: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm
6:15 pm-6:30 pm: Introduction & settle in, Q&A rules, & CEU sign in instructions
6:30 pm-7:30 pm: Training Session
Cost: FREE to all GAA Members and Business Supporters. $20 for non-members
Please email us at info@georgiaarborist.org
***This training is recorded and will be sent by email to all registrants within a week of the event***
Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ)
The Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ), developed by Texas A&M Forest Service and Texas Chapter ISA, expands the reach of the state forestry agency’s wildfire prevention messaging while equipping certified arborists with another tool in their tool box to meet client needs.

December Lunch and Learn: Understanding Local Tree Ordinances in Georgia (A Panel Discussion)
Join us for an insightful panel discussion featuring four esteemed municipal arborists from various regions across Georgia. This webinar is designed to shed light on the intricacies of local tree ordinances, their development, and effective strategies for navigating them.
ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Review Course (SAVANNAH, GEORGIA)
ISA Certified Arborist® Exam Review Course
Location: Oatland Island Wildlife Center
711 Sandtown Rd.
Savannah Georgia 31410
December 11-13th, 2024
Wednesday/Thursday: 8 am- 5pm
Friday: 8-12
Registration Deadline: December 1, 2024
Premier Sponsor:
$150 - GAA Members
$218 - Non-members (includes 1 year of Membership to GAA)
$350 - Lunch Sponsorship
(limit of 2 sponsors)
***Scholarship Opportunities Available - see Important Notes section for process and eligibility***
Presented by:
Rob Swanson and Kay Evanovich
About our speakers:
Over two full day sessions, experienced instructors and certified arborists Rob Swanson and Kay Evanovich will help attendees prepare for the exam with talks covering Tree Biology, Tree Identification, Soil Science, Water Management, Tree Nutrition and Fertilization, Tree Selection, Installation and Establishment, Pruning, Tree Support and Lightning Protection, Diagnosis and Plant Disorders, Plant Health Care, Tree Assessment and Risk Management, Trees and Construction, Urban Forestry, Tree Worker Safety, and Climbing & Working in Trees. Attendees will also learn about eligibility for the exam and taking the exam.
Attendees should combine this class with the study of the ISA Certified Arborists' Study Guide (not included in course registration). The GAA has a limited number of copies available in exchange for a donation to the GAA. You can make your donation here.
Attendees are responsible for completing their own application for the exam through the ISA. This is a 2 step process which begins with an application, and once approved by the ISA you can register for the exam date and location of your choice. Exam fees are handled by ISA and are not included in registration for this course. You can find a copy of the ISA Certified Arborist Application Guide HERE. If you have any questions about the process, the GAA is happy to help!
Scholarships are available to tree board members and tree care workers employed by a city, county, school or university who are not already ISA Certified Arborists. Scholarships are sponsored by the Georgia Forestry Commission. Applicants must be employed within the State of Georgia. Scholarship covers the $150 cost of the course, but does not include free membership. You may apply for scholarship here. If applying for scholarship please be sure to register to hold your spot - instead of paying just choose "invoice me". Scholarship application deadline is Dec. 1, 2024.
***For those who want to register for the course as a refresher, and are already certified arborists you can receive 15 CEUS. CEU sign in sheets are virtual and will be provided to the class in the chat window at the end of each session. If you do not submit your sign in sheet, you will not receive CEUs.***
The Best Western Savannah Historic District (412 West Bay Street | Savannah | GA | 31401, (912) 233-1011) is offering a special rate for the GAA. Please use this link to register and get the special rate:
Questions? Contact GAA Administrator at 404-913-1422 or at info@georgiaarborist.org

The course will go through the guide chapter by chapter with an in depth look at the material and give you the opportunity to ask questions to one of the co-authors of the book, Randy Miller.

Curso de preparación para el examen de arborista certificado por la ISA®
Curso de preparacion para el examen de arborista certificado por la ISA®
Business of Arboriculture Webinar: Introduction to Job Costing
Efficient Costing and Budgeting
This webinar is part one of a six-part webinar series called the Business of Arboriculture presented by the Georgia Arborist Association, the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, and Auburn University with generous support from the United States Forest Service. The series will be presented between October 2024 and April 2025.
November Lunch and Learn
Join us on Tuesday, November 14, 2024 from 1 PM to 12 PM for another FREE virtual learning opportunity. The topic is “Introduction to Job Costing" presented by Gary Ickes. 1 ISA CEU Applied For.
The presentation will cover basic expense analysis to determine the cost to operate a business, how to calculate your per hour cost to work, develop a cost per hour to charge your clients, and simple bidding of work. The information has been developed over the last 30 years of being in business. The information is given by a tree care professional not an accountant or MBA. While the information should work for many small tree care companies, there are other options available that may work better for your company.
About the Speaker
Gary Ickes
Gary Ickes, an I.S.A. Board Certified Master Arborist since 2005, has worked in the tree care for more than 30. In addition to being an I.S.A. BCMA, Gary is an I.S.A. Municipal Specialist and Tree Risk Assessment Qualified and a Tree Care Industry Association Certified Treecare Safety Professional.
Topics/Dates for Business of Arboriculture Webinar Series
Efficient Costing and Budgeting — November 14, 2024
Insurance: What’s Needed, How Much, and What’s required — January 30, 2025
Building a Brand and Sales Etiquette — February 27, 2025
Taxes for the Arborist — March 27, 2025
Managing a Productive Workforce — April 24, 2025
Webinar: Forest Health Concerns after Hurricane Helene
Monthly Virtual Training:
Forest Health Concerns after Hurricane Helene
November 12th 6:15-7:30 pm. with Dr. Elizabeth McCarty
The presentation covers forest insects and diseases that may increase as a result of Hurricane Helene. Topics include bark beetles, pitch canker, GA and FL forest health observations after Hurricane Michael, and guidance to support landowners.
Who should attend this webinar?
About Dr. Elizabeth McCarty
Elizabeth McCarty is the Forest Health Specialist with the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia. Her areas of specialization include forest entomology, insecticide use in trees, environmental risk of insecticides, and aquatic entomology.
Time: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm
6:15 pm-6:30 pm: Introduction & settle in, Q&A rules, & CEU sign in instructions
6:30 pm-7:30 pm: Training Session
Cost: FREE to all GAA Members and Business Supporters. $20 for non-members
Please email us at info@georgiaarborist.org
***This training is recorded and will be sent by email to all registrants within a week of the event***
Please email us at info@georgiaarborist.org
***This training is recorded and will be sent by email to all registrants within a week of the event***
Savannah Member Social
Join us at ITCC for a member Social Event
Free For Members
($25 for Guests)
Wednesday, October 23rd, 2025
Starland Yard, Savannah Georgia
Please register ahead of time, so we can adequately prepare for the number of guests. Drinks and Snacks will be Provided. We look forward to meeting our Coastal Arborist Friends.
NUEVA FECHA: identificación y manejo de especies invasoras
Únase a la Asociación de Arboristas de Georgia para recibir un curso práctico centrado en la identificación y el manejo de especies invasoras que se encuentran comúnmente en Georgia
Evaluación de la Salud del árbol
Una evaluación de riesgos de los árboles es su oportunidad de obtener una medida completa y comprender la salud de sus árboles y los riesgos potenciales que puede enfrentar. Los árboles pueden fallar de diversas formas; un arborista experto sabrá qué tipo de falla es más probable para un árbol determinado y podrá brindar asesoramiento significativo sobre las formas de reducir el riesgo de ese tipo particular de falla anticipada.
Salud y Manejo de Suelos + SoilSHOP; análisis de suelo gratuito
El bienestar de cada arbol empieza con el suelo. En este curso aprenderas sobre los conocimientos básicos de la salud y manejo del suelo en el espacio global y local
Spanish Course: Primeros auxilios, RCP y DEA
El curso de primeros auxilios y RCP/DEA de Heartsaver enseña a los rescatistas a reconocer y tratar eficazmente las emergencias en los primeros minutos críticos hasta que llega el personal de los servicios médicos de emergencia. El curso también proporciona una solución completa de capacitación en salud y seguridad para primeros auxilios, RCP para adultos, niños y bebés, y DEA.
CPR & First Aid Certification Training
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Z133 standard for arboricultural operations includes a requirement that every field crew of two or more workers have at least two workers trained in first aid and CPR.
VOLUNTEER SIGN UP-26th Annual Tree Climbing Championship & Trees Unite Us Conference
Registration to volunteer for our Annual Tree Climbing Championship is now open. The GAA relies on our awesome volunteers to make this event the best it can be. I hope you will join us this year!