Urban Wood
The Georgia Arborist Association is a resource for tree owners and tree professionals.

Many arborists are interested in how they can help reutilize the wood they remove from a property when the job is complete. Reutilization is a good way to reduce transportation and tipping fees and provide a more environmentally friendly service to your clients. Reusing wood saves carbon by storing it in building materials.
Carbon Storage: Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere as they grow through the process of photosynthesis. This carbon is stored within the wood fibers of the tree. When trees are harvested for wood, this stored carbon remains locked in the wood products created from them. By reusing wood in building materials, we extend the lifespan of this stored carbon, preventing it from being released back into the atmosphere as CO2.
Reduction of Emissions: Utilizing reclaimed or salvaged wood for building materials reduces the need for new wood products, which in turn decreases the demand for fresh logging and manufacturing processes associated with producing new lumber. Logging and manufacturing activities can release substantial amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. By reusing wood, we reduce the emissions associated with these activities.
Alternative to Fossil Fuel-based Materials: Many building materials, such as concrete and steel, are produced using fossil fuels and release significant amounts of CO2 during their production processes. By using reclaimed wood as an alternative building material, we reduce the reliance on these carbon-intensive materials, further lowering the carbon footprint of construction projects.
Carbon Offsetting: Reusing wood in construction effectively serves as a form of carbon offsetting. Instead of using materials that contribute to carbon emissions, incorporating reclaimed wood into buildings allows us to utilize a resource that has already captured and stored carbon. This helps to balance out or offset the carbon emissions associated with other aspects of the construction process.
Preservation of Forests: By reusing wood and minimizing the demand for new lumber, we can help preserve forests and natural ecosystems. Healthy forests are essential for sequestering carbon dioxide and maintaining biodiversity. Reducing deforestation and promoting sustainable forestry practices contribute to overall carbon sequestration efforts.
Overall, the reuse of wood in building materials represents a valuable strategy for reducing carbon emissions, promoting sustainability, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. It exemplifies the concept of a circular economy, where resources are reused, recycled, and repurposed to minimize waste and environmental impact.
We have listed companies and individuals in Metro Atlanta who accept wood for floors, furniture, art, and other types of building materials. Each business operates differently, so you will need to contact each vendor for how best to work with them. Some have equipment to pick up the wood; others may mill onsite, depending on need.