Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification
Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification is a new certificate course provided by The Georgia Arborist Association and developed by the Texas A&M Forest Service to teach arborists how to speak to the public about reducing wildfire risks.

The threat wildfire poses to residents increases everyday as more communities are built in natural areas.
The Partnership:
The GAA will provide education and credentialing to their membership. The Georgia Forestry Commission provides expertise in fire behavior, wildfire prevention, home ignition zone, fire-resistance species, and arboriculture. Instructors for the WRRQ courses offered by the GAA come from the state forestry agency cadre of experts and professionals trained by the Texas A&M Forest Service.
Recent fire seasons have seen increasing property loss and death associated with wildfire. We know that it is not a question of if a fire will start, but when.
The Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualification (WRRQ), developed by Texas A&M Forest Service and Texas Chapter ISA, expands the reach of the state forestry agency’s wildfire prevention messaging while equipping certified arborists with another tool in their tool box to meet client needs.
As professionals who have daily interaction with the public, arborists can help reduce wildfire risk and protect lives, homes and landscapes. When homes and their surrounding property are protected, ecosystem benefits are protected as well.
The Qualification:
As an ISA Certified Arborist, have you considered how your skills and experience can improve the safety and quality of tree care to protect people and ecosystems from wildfire? Becoming Wildfire Risk Assessment Qualified will increase your knowledge on how to evaluate and mitigate property from the threat of wildfire, allowing you to provide that service to clients and constituents.
The Course:
Explore how wildfire moves through a landscape and learn to identify mitigation options that can be recommended or performed on client properties to reduce the risk of loss from wildfire. This course will incorporate classroom sessions and conduct field exercise on homes near the training center with 5 CEUs applied to your ISA Certified Arborist credential. A written exam and field test must be successfully passed to gain the qualification. Total course time is 16 hours.