Monthly Virtual Training:
Herbicide Injury to Trees
March 11th 6:15-7:30 pm. with Dave Long, GFC
How much do you know about herbicides, and the damage they can cause in trees? Unfortunately, many arborist are unaware of the potential damage herbicides like glyphosate, imazapyr, 2,4-D, dicamba, and triclopyr can cause on trees. There are several ways these herbicides can enter the tree system, and arborist should be aware of situations where herbicide applications can damage trees, how to identify these injury symptoms, and if damage is not too severe, what can be done to help a tree to recover.
Meet the Speaker
Dr. Mark Andrew Czarnota is an Associate Professor (60% Extension, 20% Research, 5.0% Teaching, 15.0% Service) in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Georgia, Griffin Campus. His job responsibilities include supporting the nursery and landscape, Christmas tree, floriculture, small fruit, and orchard floor management industries with weed control problems they encounter. He has been involved in the Plant Science Field all his life. He has held positions in landscape maintenance, commercial nurseryman, nursery sales, and as a laboratory technician between his many years of schooling. He received a B.S. degree in Agriculture specializing in Plant Science from the University of Delaware, M.S. in Agriculture specializing in Weed Science from Virginia Tech, and a Ph.D. in Floriculture and Ornamentals Horticulture specializing in Weed Science from Cornell University. As an extension specialist, he works closely with the agricultural chemical industry, federal government, and local grower groups to try and solve weed problems. As well as fielding questions from the industry, Dr. Czarnota work includes publishing weed control information in University fact sheets and bulletins, popular articles, scholarly publications, as well as performing applied and laboratory weed control research. He has generated over 1.4 million in grant money and donations. Major research interests are anything related to weed control research. Other research interests include finding additional Christmas tree species for Southern Christmas tree growers, herbicide formulations, growth regulators, invasive weeds, and natural plant products. In his personal life, Dr. Czarnota has been married for 28 years, has 2 children (23 and 18), and 5 dogs. His major hobbies include maintaining a weedy garden, trying to stay in shape (biking, taekwondo, and weight training), wood and metal working, and enjoying time with the family!
Time: 6:15 pm - 7:30 pm
6:15 pm-6:30 pm: Introduction & settle in, Q&A rules, & CEU sign in instructions
6:30 pm-7:30 pm: Training Session
Cost: FREE to all GAA Members and Business Supporters. $20 for non-members
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