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Webinar: Appraising Tree Losses for Insurance Adjusters 

In Partnership with ISA Michigan

The GAA is excited to partner with ISA Michigan on a series of webinars throughout the summer. The lineup includes excellent speakers on a range of topics. The first in the series is: 

Appraising Tree Losses for Insurance Adjusters 

James Komen,  Class One Arboriculture

When disaster strikes, consulting arborists are called upon by insurance adjusters to assess and value the damage done to trees. This presentation shows case studies of collaboration between consulting arborists and insurance professionals, focusing on claims from the Napa and Ventura fires, the Santa Barbara mudslides, and the Phoenix monsoonal windstorms. See what key data an adjuster needs from an arborist to process a claim. Watch application of techniques an arborist can use to inventory trees that have been completely obliterated. And learn how insurance policies and coverage affect the way the consultant arborist should collect data in the field. 

About the speaker: 

Speaker James Komen is a consulting arborist in California specializing in risk assessment and tree appraisal. He helps clients make informed management decisions for individual trees and for tree inventories.

His work has been published in Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, Arboricultural Consultant, Palms, Ontario Arborist, and Western Arborist. He is an ISA TRAQ instructor and has taught workshops on tree appraisal around the U.S. and Canada.

Your personal Zoom link to access the webinar will be emailed separately the morning of the webinar.

2024 Remaining Webinars:  

8/20/2024 APPRAISING TREE LOSSES FOR INSURANCE ADJUSTERSJames Komen, Consulting Arborist, Class One Arboriculture 

8/21/2024 SPOTTED LANTERNFLY (SLF): THREATS AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIESMark Ware, Arborologist, Rainbow Ecoscience 


This webinar series is a cooperative effort between the Georgia Arborist Association, ISA Michigan Chapter and other cooperating components.

Cost: $25 GAA members
$40 non-members

August 17

Spanish Language Emergency Safety Training for Tree Care Workers

August 21

Webinar: "SLF: Threats and Management Strategies"