U&CF IRA Field Specialist – Urban and Community Forestry Program

Job Opening: U&CF IRA Field Specialist – Urban and Community Forestry Program

Pay: $52,000 - $62,469/yr depending on experience & qualifications (Funded through a four-year federal grant from the Inflation Reduction Act)

Examples of duties: Assist UCF staff with implementation and monitoring of IRA funded grant projects and provide technical urban forestry assistance to under resourced communities.

1.       Perform site visits and performance checks on grant projects and recipients

2.       Provide urban forestry technical assistance to communities in underserved areas of the state

3.       Provide technical training to municipal staff

4.       Assist grants staff to ensure completion of all required paperwork and reports adhering to federal, state, and agency requirements

5.       Participate in the grant review and award process

6.       Coordinate grant project public information and media content with Communications Staff

7.       Develop outreach materials and facilitate public relations activities with grant recipients

8.       Coordinate with partner organizations’ Outreach Coordinators to implement state-wide and local programming

9.       Assist with GIS mapping of GFC community forestry grant projects

10.   Outreach to local contacts in underserved areas to develop working relationships and provide technical urban forestry guidance

11.   Assist with management of the Tree City/Tree Campus USA program by reviewing applications and assisting communities and schools with completing applications

12.   Other administrative tasks as assigned


Additional Responsibilities with Preferred Qualifications

13.   Assist sub-grant recipients to plan and conduct tree planting and tree giveaway events

14.   Provide technical assistance such as revising ordinances, conducting tree assessments/inventories, training tree care workers, advising on storm planning and recovery, and educating elected officials, municipal staff and the general public on tree care issues particularly in disadvantaged and underserved communities

15.   Assist with educational publication and material distribution

16.   Support U&CF Program Coordinator with state and regional organization board responsibilities

To see additional qualifications and how to apply, click here.


UGA - Assistant/Associate Professor