As of November 10, 2015, the following guidelines apply to the posting of job announcements on the GAA website. Your posting will be removed after 60 days.
Member companies:
Member companies are entitled to one free job posting per calendar year. Subsequent ads will be posted, but must be paid for in advance.
Member companies wishing to post a job announcement must be up-to-date on your GAA dues. Ads will be deleted if membership is not renewed in a timely manner.
Ads on the “Job Postings” page will be restricted to your company logo and one or two short paragraphs. If a separate job description is included with the job posting, it will be linked from your company’s ad.
All job announcements will be posted on the GAA website as is, without editing by the GAA webmaster. You must provide contact information in your ad.
If the GAA does not already have your logo, please submit it in low resolution jpeg format.
Send your listing (and logo, if necessary) to
Non-member companies:
Non-member companies may submit an unlimited number of ads per year. Each ad will be posted for a total of 3 months, and will be charged at a rate of $100 each. Ads must be paid in full before they will be posted.
Ads on the “Job Postings” page will be restricted to a company logo and one or two short paragraphs. If a separate job description is included with the text, it will be linked from the company’s ad.
If the GAA does not already have your logo, it must be submitted in low resolution jpeg format.